Governance Vacancies

Some members are elected by parents and staff, others are nominated by the local governing committee for approval by the trust board or co-opted directly by the local governing committee. The role is voluntary although individuals are entitled to claim expenses in line with the trust’s Director and Local Governor Expenses Policy.

Videos of some of our trustees and local governing committee members talking about their experience of governing within NEAT are on our Youtube channel.

Our leaflet ‘Becoming a local governor’ below will tell you more about what is involved.

Join our team now

An election is currently taking place for the parent governor vacancy on the Local Governing Committee. Please see below the letter sent to all parents/carers eligible to vote on 6th January 2025. To cast your vote, complete the numbered ballot slip you received with this letter, and return to the ballot box in the school reception no later than 12pm on Monday 20th January.  

We also have a vacancy to join the Local Governing Committee as a Trust member. The recruitment pack below will tell you more about this exciting opportunity.

To find out more about the Trust member vacancy and express an interest, please contact Emma Phillips in the Governance Support Team at NEAT Academy Trust on 0191 820 4756 or by email at

Contact the Local Governing Committee

You can get in touch with any of our LGC members via the school office or by using our school contact page.

You can also contact the Governance Support Team at NEAT Academy Trust on 0191 228 4090, by email at or via the NEAT contact page.