At Walkergate Community School, we are committed to ensuring every child achieves their full potential. Our performance data provides a snapshot of our pupils’ achievements and progress across key areas, including reading, phonics, and SATs results. This information helps us to monitor and support each pupil’s learning journey, while also allowing parents and carers to understand how our school is performing in relation to national standards.
Year 1 Phonic Screen Check Results 2024
The phonic screen check is designed for all Year 1 pupils to show how well their reading and phonics skills are developing. The table below shows the percentage of Year 1 pupils in school meeting the standard compared to the national average.
Year 6 Key Stage 2 SATs results 2024
At the end of Year 6 pupils take SATs in school. Pupils are tested in their reading, spelling, grammar and punctuation and in mathematics. Writing is teacher-assessed.
The table below shows the percentage of Year 6 pupils in school meeting the expected standard compared to the national average.
Scores are also given in a scaled format, the range of scaled scores will always remain the same: 80 being the lowest and 120 being the highest. A scaled score of 100 0r more means that pupils have met the nationally expected standard in that tests.
The table below shows the schools average scaled score compared to the national average scaled score.

To view the Schools Performance Tables published on the Department for Educations Website click here